


Change Is the Only Constant

Written by Anand Mehrotra 1 min read

Anand Mehrotra

is the founder and master teacher of Sattva Yoga and Sattva Yoga Academy. Born and raised in Rishikesh, India, Anand combines the ancient wisdom of his upbringing with a proactive approach to support transcendence for all. @theanandmehrotra

The only thing that we can be sure of as time passes is that change will be a constant. In other words: time means change. Even when we are impacted by rapid, and unwanted changes (as with the recent pandemic) we can still know this too shall pass.

Each moment passes, everything moves on, challenges build and recede, offering us ongoing opportunities to discover and appreciate the very preciousness of life. Let us take this time to appreciate what we can. Let us not just focus on what is not there, what we don’t have, or what is seemingly taken away. Let us focus instead on what we do have; our blessings; what we enjoy.

Locate something that you can appreciate. Appreciation leads to joy and joy up-regulates your immune response, strengthening your aura and your energy. It can be as simple as appreciating the breath or the sky, flowers in your garden or the fresh air. Spend a few minutes a day focusing on that which brings you joy, the simplest and most innocent pleasures. There is still a lot which is here, available, free. It is all around you, and goes beyond all our tales of what is not there and what’s missing. Let’s collective unite, and be, as this challenge that is facing us, (individually and globally) expands and dissolves. Then, what will arise from it is growth, a greater love; greater compassion and greater joy.




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The only thing that we can be sure of as time passes is that change will be a constant. In other words: time means change. Even when we are impacted by rapid, and unwanted changes (as with the recent pandemic) we can still know this too shall pass.

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